A Dachshund in Software Engineering: A Short Story

2 min readOct 4, 2021

… or maybe it’s the human?

Claire Gerwatowski and Remington join the BARK pack as the dynamic duo of Software Engineering.

To get to know Claire, we had to start with the basics…

Tell us everything about the man in the red mittens:

Remington, aka Remi, is a 1-year-old Chocolate Miniature Dachshund. He loves food, squeaky toys, cuddling, and chasing squirrels… and tiny coats and mittens…

Tell us what excites you about joining the BARK team:

Working with dog people. I have always been passionate about animals and being surrounded by people that share this passion makes every day more fun.

What stood out to you about BARK that you have not seen at other companies?

The people who work for BARK really love the company and it shows. Everyone seems happy and excited about what they do.

How has the BARK pack made you feel welcomed in your first week?

Every person I have met has been so welcoming and excited for me to join the team. They have all made me feel supported and unafraid to ask for help during my onboarding experience.

And who shall we be putting on the payroll? You or this very distinguished floof, Remington?

..JK we didn’t ask Claire that, we already spoke to Remi on the side, he knows what’s up.

Don’t worry Remi, as per request, we will only pay you in 1,000,000 Dachshund dollar bills.

