2 min readOct 18, 2021
Lauren, commonly referred to by her friends as “LB”, is a Senior Talent Partner here at BARK. LB joined the BARK team back in 2015 and is a proud dog parent to Josie and Lupe!

So, who are Girls to the Front?

Girls to the Front is a female-led Employee Resource Group with a passion for empowering women in and out of the workplace.

Girls to the Front is a supportive community of individuals who identify as women that empower and inspire each other to be their best, most authentic selves. Our objective is to ensure that women throughout BARK and in our communities are treated equitably, have opportunities available to them, and have an open forum for sharing experiences that particularly affect those who identify as women. We aspire to lift each other up in positive ways and to be role models for each other and the women in our lives.

Led by Kendyl Skinner and Lauren Bucknam

Tell us what excites you / makes you passionate about Girls to the Front:

With over 60% of our staff identifying as female we have a huge opportunity and honor to really create a safe, inclusive, supportive, and engaging environment for our team. As a co-leader of this group with Kendyl Skinner, we’re excited for the future of this group as we are doing a re-launch right now to gather more participation and really get things moving again now that we’re getting back into office more frequently.

Tell us some ways you feel G2TF made a change, whether it was in the company or in the community:

Our ERG has been around for a couple of years now but with the pandemic, we weren’t able to make much progress with the group. We’re super lucky that our company has grown so much over the past year and we have a ton of really great new women and supporters and we want to provide them with a great resource. We’re excited to get more engagement and offer an inclusive and diverse community so that every voice is heard and supported. There’s a lot of excitement and energy right now especially with hiring a VP of DE&I.

What are some exciting ways you celebrate your community?

We’re looking forward to putting on more internal events to highlight the amazing women of BARK. We’ll have weekly discussion topics going in our slack room, bi-monthly interview panels with women from different departments as well as some upcoming community involvement.

Hit it, Shania Twain!

Shout out to Girls to the Front and all the other ERGs at BARK! You’re doing a great job at making BARK more inclusive, supportive, and community-driven!

